The mysterious, pudgy fingers on the economic dial
There’s some small comfort in knowing you’re not the only one who’s screwed.
There’s some small comfort in knowing you’re not the only one who’s screwed.
I resent the fact the corrupt, dishonest Democratic Party, which once purported to represent the will of working people, purposely sabotaged Sanders’ candidacy in favor of a warmonger beholden to Wall Street.
Portland is lucky to have an open-minded, accessible and progressive police chief and a police force that upholds, and is held to, exceptionally high standards.
Restaurateurs and bar owners have a lot to lose from taking bold political stands. So, I’m always impressed when they speak out.
Buying locally means more jobs and lower taxes, regardless of which politician is in office.
Rep. Diane Russell’s bid for the Maine Senate seat being vacated by Justin Alfond was the meanest and ugliest local campaign I’ve witnessed yet.
Portland’s Public Art Committee has just handed artist Aaron T Stephan $25,000 to design and install a street-lamp sculpture in Woodfords Corner.
Democratic voters in District 27 are left to consider: which candidate’s political fundraising shenanigans are more odious?
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